Helpful FAQs
We’re here to be as helpful as possible. Below you’ll find common question our customers have.
If you don’t find the answer you are looking for please give us a call at: 715 834-2000
Can you cater an event?
Yes, we are happy to cater your event or next business meeting. From trays to boxed lunches we have a variety to offer.
Provide advance notice for all sandwich box lunches and tray orders.
* Trays can be ordered in advance and ready for carry out only.
Do you have gluten free options available?
Salads are a great option for the gluten free diet. Also, we offer a gluten free wrap. For the vegetarian, we offer several options as well.
Do you ship cheese?
Yes, seasonally. Our shipping season typically starts in mid-November and goes through March.
What are your hours?
Monday - Saturday: 9am - 6pm
Sunday: 9am - 6pm
Where are you located?
1636 Harding Ave.
Eau Claire, WI 54701